Apps > Marketing










Marketing, is the key base for all your businesses. But merely brick and mortar marketing, won't bring in much difference to this internet booming world. The new-age online world, asks recognition for self to boost your sales. BuildaBazaar is the platform for your business, that not just merely make it's presence felt on internet, but also give a boost via Digital Marketing Apps. Getting on the online platform, via apps; links your business with large number of customers.

Connecting via marketing apps, is a two-way process with BuildaBazaar. Either you can market and boost your sales through the digital marketing apps on BaB. Whereas, on the other side, if you own one such marketing app; than feel free to join BaB, to flourish your business further. There's a bundle of such apps on BuildaBazaar, to be present at your assistance. To name a few, we have NotifyVisitors, MailChimp, justuno, Yfret, et al. Each of them deal with varied marketing features, right from social media marketing & e-mail marketing, to increasing traffic and bringing your business with more sales.

Modern marketer, would definitely pick digital marketing apps to reap in more business. BuildaBazaar is the software, that empathises with the current boom of it and offers multiple