As a store owner, you need to create a ‘app ID’ first on Facebook for which

  1. Go to the website http://developers.facebook.com/ in your internet browser.
  2. Login with your Facebook account.
  3. On the right side of the header, click on the Apps button.

  4. Apps page appears. Click on the  +Create New App  button on the right side as shown.

  5. The Create New App dialogue box appears as shown below.  Choose an appropriate name for your Facebook app (example: FBlogin_mybabstore) and enter in the App Name field.

  6. Continue with the app creation. A page appears as shown below which gives you your unique ‘App ID’ and ‘App Secret’.  This id and secret number is (Insert)

  7. Further, under the Select how your app integrates with Facebook option, choose the option Website with Facebook Login and enter the URL of your site in the format (as shown below) :
    And save changes.

  8. For configuration on your BAB web store with Facebook, go to the Admin panel page of your store and click on Configuration FB Connect as shown below.

  9. The Facebook Connect page appears. Enter the APP ID and APP SECRET received in the Step 6 and click on Save.